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This Week in Google Apps: Restore Deleted Users

BetterCloud Monitor

June 15, 2012

< 1 minute read

General Google Apps Yellow

Google AppsGoogle announced a crucial update to Apps this week, which lets super administrators restore deleted user accounts and most if not all associated data.

Any user accidentally deleted within five days can be restored to full working status. However, if the username you wish to ‘undelete’ matches that of an existing Group or another active user’s email address, the deleted user cannot be restored.

To restore a deleted user:
1. Sign into the Google Apps Control Panel (here’s a link to our Gooru guide)
2. Click the ‘Organization & Users’ tab (make sure to stay in the top-level versus sub-domain)
3. Select the ‘List’ drop-down menu and choose ‘Recently deleted users.’
4. Finally, check the box next to the user you wish to restore and select ‘More actions > Undelete.’

Congratulations! You have successfully undeleted a user!
